Blended Families & Stepchildren
Helping Blended Families Resolve Issues
As adults with children enter into new relationships, the impact of these relationships includes varied legal consequences. It can be complex to sort out the obligations of parents and stepparents to children.
The attorneys at the Pedrick Law Group, APC, take a practical, pragmatic approach to the family law implications of blended families. Contact us to speak to an attorney in Encino who can explain your rights and obligations and help you explore options to achieve your goals. We offer an initial consultation or a second opinion.
Modifying Custody and Support Under New Circumstances
If you have children and have gone through a divorce or paternity suit in the past, your child-related financial and custodial responsibilities — and those of the other parent — are likely governed by child custody and child support orders.
If you or your spouse has started a blended family through remarriage or other circumstances, it may be an appropriate time to explore modification of child custody arrangements and/or child support obligations.
Balancing your responsibilities toward your children from a previous relationship, children from your current relationship and stepchildren may require the help of an experienced lawyer. We can help you understand your options and the impact of your blended family on any existing arrangements that are in place.
Understanding Your Rights as A Stepparent
If your current spouse or domestic partner has primary physical custody of a child from a previous relationship, it is likely that you have developed a close, caring relationship with him or her. You may be wondering how the law approaches your relationship with your stepchild. What happens if your spouse or partner dies, or your relationship breaks up?
You may want to address these issues now by looking into your options, up to and including stepparent adoption. We can help you understand what your rights are now and what you may be able to do to establish parental or custody rights. Contact us by email for help with any and all blended family issues, or call 818-528-4936, 661-591-4132 or 805-254-4173.