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What Are Father’s Rights in California?
Many fathers feel the system is biased against them in child custody cases, believing mothers have the upper hand. However, this is not true. With the proper representation, there is no legal reason for bias toward the mother. California law
How to Prepare for a Child Custody Hearing in Encino
Child custody hearings often involve significant emotional distress and complex legal arrangements. However, thoroughly preparing for child custody hearings can boost the odds of achieving the best outcome for you and your child. If you're facing a child custody hearing
How to Handle Domestic Violence Cases in Family Law
Suppose you or someone you know is facing a domestic violence situation. In that case, it's crucial to understand the legal protections and steps that can be taken to ensure safety and seek justice. Domestic violence cases in family law
Child Support Advice: Encino Family Lawyers’ Tips
Many parents find themselves overwhelmed and unsure of their rights and obligations regarding child support. Child support orders can be modified in response to significant changes in circumstances. Multiple enforcement options are available if a parent fails to pay court-ordered
The Impact of California’s Spousal Support Guidelines on Divorce
In California, alimony, also known as spousal support, is a significant financial consideration when couples separate or divorce. Alimony, also known as spousal support, involves payments made from one ex-spouse to another. These payments are primarily based on the income
Dealing with High Conflict Ex-Spouses: Strategies for Effective Communication
When dealing with a high-conflict ex-spouse during divorce, it's crucial to establish firm boundaries, communicate clearly, and document manipulative behaviors to protect yourself and your children. High-conflict divorces involve ex-spouses with difficult personalities and can be emotionally damaging Understanding your