How Domestic Violence Can Affect Your Child Custody Case: Why Hiring a Family Law Attorney is Important

Domestic Violence

If domestic violence is an issue in your divorce, it can affect your child custody case. A family law attorney experienced in such cases can help you through this difficult time. Seeking the legal assistance you need to protect you and your children is crucial to creating a brighter future. The following tips can help guide you as you decide your next steps:

Seek Immediate Assistance

Domestic violence involves physical, spoken, or written action toward another family member or partner. Actions typically considered domestic violence include:

  • Kicking
  • Hitting
  • Pushing
  • Scaring
  • Harassing
  • Sexual assault

These are just a few examples of domestic violence. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides additional information on additional types of abuse and resources for seeking assistance in your area. 

Domestic violence is never acceptable and — depending upon the circumstances — generally a crime. Seek the assistance you need for you and your children to feel safe and protected. 

Domestic Violence, Child Custody, and Special Law 3044

If your partner or spouse has a conviction for domestic violence, they may still challenge you for some form of child custody. While you may fear for your and your children’s safety, it is important to note that a special law is in place that a judge must consider. 

Special law 3044 requires a judge to address seven specific considerations when it comes to such a decision. The seven factors include:

  • What is in the child’s best interest?
  • Does the party requesting custody have any other convictions for domestic violence?
  • If a restraining order was in place, has the requestor met the terms and conditions?
  • If required by the court, has the requestor completed a drug and alcohol program?
  • Has the requestor completed a one-year batterer intervention program? 
  • Has the requestor completed a parenting course, if court-ordered?
  • If on parole or probation, has the requestor met all the terms and conditions?

This is just a small sampling of the intricate details of special law 3044. The complexity of California child custody law and the stress of your domestic violence situation leaves you no time to deal with your case. 

At the Pedrick Law Group, our work with domestic violence survivors helps us help others in their journey to a brighter future. Let us handle the legal details of your divorce and child custody issues.

Our team understands special law 3044 and other California laws that apply to child custody issues. We will work hard on your behalf to protect the best interests of you and your children. 

The Effect of Domestic Violence on Children

According to the Office on Women’s Health, more than 15 million children live in homes where domestic violence has happened at least once. Children who witness domestic violence face a variety of mental and physical health issues,  including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart issues

Choosing to leave a domestic violence situation is a brave and vital step. Once you seek assistance for your and your children’s emotional and physical needs, securing a family law attorney is crucial for your child custody case. 

A family court judge reviews many cases like yours daily. Representing yourself is risky as your case may become just one of many before a judge on a certain day. 

You and your child’s future is too important to leave to chance. Securing a lawyer from the Pedrick Law Group means that someone stands right by your side as you navigate your way through this challenging time. 

The Right Divorce Lawyer at the Right Time

The Pedrick Law Group offers free case evaluations designed to help you learn more about our services. Hiring a lawyer can protect your best interests and those of your child throughout the divorce process. 

Child custody issues are serious matters, and the outcome can play a significant role in shaping a child’s future. Legal representation by a member of our team allows you to concentrate on other important matters. Juggling the work duties and comforting your children while caring for your own needs is exhausting yet necessary. 

The reassurance that a lawyer is at work on your behalf can serve as comfort. Divorce is never easy, and cases involving domestic violence are especially concerning, especially with children involved. 

We cannot predict nor guarantee the outcome of your case. What we can do is get to work as soon as you contact us with the details of your case. Whether you are currently facing a divorce or divorced, and a child custody issue arises, we are here for you. 

Domestic Violence is Never Okay

If you are a victim of domestic violence, seek help immediately. If you need legal representation for your child custody issue, get the help you need from the Pedrick Law Group. 

We proudly serve Orange County, Encino, and the surrounding region. As California family law attorneys, we have the knowledge and experience to apply to your child custody and/or divorce case. 

Domestic violence is never okay. The effect of such violence on children who witness it is negative and often long-lasting. Get the help you need by reaching out to the Pedrick Law Group today for a free case evaluation.  For us to get to work for you, we must review your information as soon as possible. 

Contact The Pedrick Law Group Today

Take an important first step toward a brighter future for you and your children. If your former spouse or partner seeks to secure child custody despite their conviction for domestic violence, we can help you. A lawyer from our team will manage the details of your case so that you do not have to. 

The Pedrick Law Group is proud to help victims of domestic violence. You are not alone. Seek the legal representation you deserve and need by contacting us for your free case evaluation online today. 

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